Transgender children confused by body image

A recent report on a Sydney TV station of a girl being born a boy should be a wake up call for those who want an explanation as to why this is happening. There are now so many cases of this around the world that the laws are changing in some countries to suit their needs. In Australia, for example, obtaining sex hormones that are necessary for sexual development from missing organs can occur without a court order.

With the memory of my reincarnation it is something that I understand. As a man in my last life and as a woman in this one, what struck me as a child was the strength that I lacked. I felt that I was in the wrong body and therefore believed that it was my mistake. It has only recently been shown to me that we do not choose our parents or our gender.

In my experience we transfer from one life to another and in the process our sex changes. With those who have good memories of their previous lives, change is not only confusing, it is often not accepted. Young children are bullied by parents and society into changing their feelings and subsequently forgetting the memory of a previous existence.

This didn’t happen to me because of the other language I brought with me. It meant that my parents and others couldn’t change my memories or talk me out of what I was left with as a consequence.

Religions that brainwash people into believing in mystical places like heaven and hell have a lot to answer for. They have no idea about life after death, but they promote the dreams of the ancestors who worshiped the sun and believe that they could become a star in the night sky by adhering to its laws. Many are suffering incredible torture by not understanding their sexuality.

In the case of the girl mentioned above, ‘she’ (her current state) was caught by her mother at the age of 4 trying to cut off her penis. They now accept her claims to be a woman and have taken the necessary steps to complete the change.

We are in a world of fast communication and reincarnation internet videos should not be missed by those looking for answers about what happens after the end of life. In my case I was in darkness with the Spirit of the Universe, the only real God, before being above my parents since they got married a month before my birth.

With memory from the beginning of this life, I have had to find out why the mainstream of society does not accept reincarnation and how and why religions forbade it. When the facts are known, the confusion about bodily changes that occur due to the transition from one life to another will be more easily acceptable.

Religion is power and control and therefore is supported by governments and others who use it to force people to conform to man-made laws. The World Order, which some call the ‘establishment’ is based on what early man created. The sun was considered the god of creation and the images created by him were taken as messages from the Supreme Being.

My experience proves that heaven and hell are myths and that children feel the loss of their former existence when they have memory of reincarnation. There is much that the world does not know about the reality of our existence and the children who are called transvestites‘ are often the least understood.

Religious fundamentalists who attack homosexuals are also out of line. It is often difficult for reincarnates to adjust to the role of the opposite sex. Not only is their physical form a problem, but the emotional and often misunderstood aspect of their lives becomes a disaster when they are targeted with ignorance and intolerance.

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