Why you need a lawyer if you are in a car accident

A personal injury or accident attorney is commonly used to protect the rights of the victim. Despite the prevalence of litigation matters in the United States, it is important that you speak with your attorney to recommend someone to do this for you if you need a Tampa car accident attorney to handle this matter, especially if you are meeting in an accident.

One of the biggest issues is that in some states like Arkansas there is a statute of limitations as to how long you have to file a personal injury claim, especially when you have been in a car accident. This claim is imposed on your insurance company or the other party you have claimed is negligent in the matter that led to your injury. Although Arkansas gives you three years to file a lawsuit, you should be aware of the limitations in the statute you are in or were in when the accident occurred. States like Tennessee allow only one year after the accident to file a lawsuit or file a claim.

This is why it is imperative that immediately after the accident you contact a Florida car accident attorney, as they are aware of these statutes and laws of legal limitation. One of the problems that many people run into is that if you are at fault in an accident, despite having full or comprehensive coverage, your insurance company tries to pay you less, since they must also pay the other party that was in the accident. accident with.

One example is that your insurance company might ask you to bear the cost of renting a car for a period of time while you do not own a motor vehicle. Once this is done, the company may not want to reimburse you citing a technicality that you were not previously informed about. In some of the worst scenarios, some insurance companies have refused to pay medical bills, leaving the insured in debt.

A Florida car accident attorney can prevent this from happening to you by taking a hard line from the initial claim.

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