Book Review: The Future of Leadership in the Age of AI by Marin Ivezic and Luka Ivezic

Are you ready for the next revolution? Few people are. But the good news is that it’s not too late to prepare. AND The future of leadership in the age of AI by Marin Ivezic and Luka Ivezic proves to be a great training ground for what is to come.

It is a book that spans the past, present, and future to gain a fuller understanding of a phenomenon. The revolution that is to come. Or is it already here? Although it may seem like a more or less crazy futuristic theme, it is not. AI is already part of our world. The reason this may be hard for some to notice is that it is so well integrated into our everyday lives.

To determine The future of leadership in the age of AIWe must first go back to the past. Marin Ivezic and Luka Ivezic will begin by walking the reader through the first three industrial revolutions, only to lay the foundation for the fourth because it is likely to have an exponentially greater impact than all of its predecessors. However, any of us can act to ease this (inevitable) transition and ensure we don’t get swept away.

If you want to hold your own in the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution, you must be prepared to adapt. The authors predict a major workforce shift toward the humanities field and a heavy reliance on soft skills. What will be appreciated most in human workers will be what is distinctively human (so far), traits like creativity and cooperation. Furthermore, the disruption in the workforce will not only affect entry-level positions, but will also work its way up to executive levels. Some management positions will become obsolete as their department is disbanded. The key to surviving and thriving is preparing ahead of time for what’s to come, and this read has some great advice to offer.

Contrary to the title, the book is not exclusively about leaders and leadership; Although this takes up considerable pages, the authors take a more holistic approach to the business world. As someone with work experience in the HR department, I have to admit that this particular section appealed to me. The authors give practical advice on how to turn the future into the present. They offer extensive examples of different strategies (used for recruitment, retention and other processes) by different organizations and critically analyze them.

If we raise the mirror to an organizational level, there are two main approaches that can be taken. Some companies rely on AI to reduce jobs, which increases their profits by reducing costs. But the same technology can also be used for profit by upskilling workers and creating new job opportunities.

The future of leadership in the age of AI by Marin Ivezic and Luka Ivezic is well documented. It relies heavily on reports, studies, and the construction and deconstruction of arguments based on academic literature. Beyond the overall picture painted on the book’s pages, there are some spicy details that may seem trivial at first glance but have potentially drastic implications as a lying AI they reference.

But what makes reading truly worthwhile is the rich personal insight into the authors’ domain knowledge and personal experience. Marin Ivezic specializes in emerging technologies cybersecurity and risk with a portfolio that includes collaborating with a renowned organization as they tackle cutting-edge technology issues. Luka Ivezic acts as an independent consultant with vast multicultural experience in the world of emerging technologies.

However, the future is already now. It is up to us how we implement it. But if you are not ambitious enough to take part in this great adventure, you will still find many interesting facts in the pages of The future of leadership in the age of AI.

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