Celebrities who love RVs and mobile homes

While most people associate RVs and RVs with everyday people, it may surprise many that there are celebrities who love to ride with them, too. Many Hollywood stars have used RVs to make their road trip a huge success.

A Hollywood star who loves his RV so much he has named it a Canoe. This star is Mathew McConaughey. He has an Airstream trailer that is often seen parked along the Malibu shoreline while McConaughey surfs. He uses the trailer to travel across the country and is known for hosting press meetings while traveling. In fact, McConaughey received the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association’s Spirit of America Award in 2007.

Actress Drew Barrymore took a month’s vacation driving across the US in an RV sometime in 2009. On a TV show, she stated that it was one of the most interesting and entertaining experiences of her life despite Some minor issues he faced while driving.

In 1993, when wildfires burned many homes in Malibu, Sean Penn was unfortunate enough to lose his mansion. However, Penn took matters into his own hands and got an Airstream Sovereign on his property and lived in it for a few years until his mansion was rebuilt. That’s showing your love for your mobile home!

Then there is the singer and actress Dolly Parton traveling across the United States in an RV. Of course, she travels in style and luxury, as the motorhome is equipped with a huge shower and vanity mirror. And, not to be outdone by anyone, there’s Pamela Anderson, whose Airstream was outfitted with a vibrating bed, a mirror ball, and a pole.

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