Cool your garage with a garage exhaust fan

A garage exhaust fan may not be the most appreciated component in your garage, however it is an extremely important device to have installed. A fan will provide a crucial venture that will benefit you, your family, and benefit your valuables that you keep in your garage. You can buy several different types of fans to install in your garage.

A garage exhaust fan is important because it can prevent gases from building up inside a closed garage. This can be a common event as long as there are cars racing inside. This can also happen through all the different contaminants like paints, gasoline, glues or other chemicals that can be found there. Additionally, a fan removes moisture and keeps the garage dry and the humidity low, which in turn helps prevent moisture buildup or condensation that can cause further damage to your valuables.

Ventilation fans in the garage are also used to pull stale air contained within the garage and push it outside. This eliminates unnecessary noxious gases, moisture, and odors usually present in most garages. These fans are used in a garage that is empty or in regular use. A temperature or humidity control connected to the light switch, garage door opener, or a person can operate the fan.

Various styles of garage exhaust fans are manufactured. Fans are often purchased as floor fans, wall mounted, or ceiling mounted as ceiling fans. It can also be incorporated into a heating or cooling system or mounted to the ceiling. Sizes vary and are available for small and large garages. They come with automated electronic timers and in various models and prices. These are made to be specially fixed inside an external wall or window, inside the ceiling or freestanding.

How does the fan work?

1. Electrically Controlled – A standard fan is electrically controlled by a simple manual switch or by a temperature controlled thermostat. A wire can provide electrical power to the garage exhaust fan and also allow it to work.

2. Fan Blades – The rotating action of the fan blades creates a suction that pulls hot air from inside the garage and moves it outside. This produces a circulation of air current that helps the air inside the garage to stagnate and reduces the temperature of the air inside the garage.

3. Exhaust Fan Position – For a garage exhaust fan to work properly and to effectively lower the temperature in a garage, it must be installed on or near the ceiling. The heat rises and is concentrated towards the ceiling. To successfully expel hot, stagnant air, a fan must be installed at the top of the garage wall.

4. Thermostat Fans – Most garage exhaust fans are controlled by a thermostatic switch located inside the fan housing. The switch that is connected to the electrical power supply will activate once the set temperature is reached. When it is reached, the fan spins and ventilates the air in the garage until the temperature drops, then the fan turns off.

One final note. It is crucial to measure the dimensions of the garage where you want your garage exhaust fan. You must have the garage area to find the correct size fan needed. Also think about the location in which you want to mount it. You may need to purchase a wall, window or ceiling mounted fan due to the layout of your garage. Other factors include additional accessories and how much money is in your budget.

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