Questions about tankless water heaters

Questions about tankless water heaters? Here are some things that can help you find the right heater for you. Choosing the correct size unit is different from the ordinary tank type. The best tankless is rated by temperature rise and flow rate.

The right capacity

Instead, think about how much water you use at one time. This means that flow, or gallons per minute, determines the power needs of the unit you need.

This depends on how many hot water outlets can be running at the same time. It is also determined by the temperature of the water entering the home, and that temperature could be above freezing, depending on where you live.

A typical tankless water heater produces 2½ to 5 gallons per minute, depending on the floor temperature. The colder the soil temperature, the less the available water flow.

Gas or Electric

Gas units are typically larger, more powerful, and cost more than electric ones. With installation, they could be 2-1 / 2 to 3 times more than an electric or tank type heater. Most models must be installed by a certified technician due to special needs such as a larger gas line and approved air supply and vent. This is beyond the skills of most homeowners, but at least one manufacturer allows DIY installations.

Electric tankless water heaters have the advantage of costing about the same as a tank type. Once you decide on the power rating you need and the capacity of your electrical panel, installation is pretty simple. A good plumbing and wiring book, basic tools, and a day off is all you need to install yours.

Great advantages

Since tankless water heaters aren’t used 80 percent of the time, installing a tankless unit should be a huge improvement over your old unit. And the way these units are built, with replaceable parts made of copper, brass and stainless steel, the life cycle goes far beyond that of a tank water heater.

It’s easy to appreciate the endless supply of hot water. Of course, overindulgence could reduce energy savings. It means that a month’s clothes can be washed in a single day without waiting for the hot water to be recycled.

Tankless water heaters can be an inexpensive solution for vacation homes and weekend retreats.

Smaller units can be placed anywhere in the home as dedicated units on demand or as a way to minimize heat loss through long pipe runs.

Use the resources

Most manufacturers and installers have maps, charts, installation guides, and other information to help make the right choice. Many home improvement stores have someone on staff who can answer questions like the minimum groundwater temperature in your region.

Water is becoming a growing problem. Whether you’re using it to wash your hands and face (4 gallons) or water your lawn (20 percent), you need to be vigilant. A tankless water heater is one way to make a difference.

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