Street Fighting Moves: Top 7 Street Fighting Secrets

1. There is no such thing as a dirty fighter – There are no rules in a street fight. You don’t know what the other person is capable of. You must fight viciously and “unfairly” as if your life depended on it.

2. Whoever hits first wins – When you strike first, you have momentum on your side. Your opponent is not attacking, he is reacting. He is in defensive mode. Once you attack first, hold attacking until he is on the ground or unconscious.

3. Front kick to the shins several times – If you’re in a matchup, one of the best kicks to administer is a front kick, hard, really hard to the shins. Why? Because it’s a low line kick that’s hard to see or stop. The shinbone contains numerous nerves that, when struck, will virtually paralyze your assailant, no matter how big!

4. Aim for the eyes as the first hit, then follow – You can’t fight what you can’t see. A tiger claw scraping up and down over the eyes will blind you temporarily (sometimes permanently if done hard enough), so make sure your personal safety is threatened before committing.

5. After your first two devastating blows, continue striking. You want to create a ripple effect when you’re in street combat. When you hit first, they should be very destructive and devastating hits that will be difficult to recover from.

6. Avoid high theatrical kicks at all costs – They watch people who try to street fight with high and aerial kicks. road Too much television. When you take to the air, you become a flying target. If you miss a roundhouse kick to the face by being too close to your opponent’s body, your kick will be ineffective, or worse, intercepted or caught by the other guy. You are now at his beck and call, hopping on one leg as he can easily kick your one leg now holding you to the ground, breaking it or knocking you hard to the concrete.

7. When in doubt – Rooster! – Biting is the lost art of survival dirty street fighting. You used to do it instinctively when you were a kid in elementary school. Hell! Use it now! If an opponent gives you a frontal bear hug and you growl in their ear, then cock – hard – and don’t let go. I guarantee you that the shock value you will create in him will cause a temporary state of panic, and no matter how big it is, you will scare him to death.

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